In the quest for sustainability, Australian supermarkets are under scrutiny for their plastic reduction efforts. A recent audit spearheaded by...
Going Green is so simple, make the switch today!
Its easy to switch to GreenPower and use accredited Renewable Energy, click to below to start helping the environment
Our Mission
Raise Sustainability Awareness
With only 3% of Australian households using GreenPower products, its our aim to help increase this figure much higher
Leading Sustainability Mindset
With the right education and information Australia can become a market leading in sustainability and this starts with the consumer choosing an accredited renewable energy plan for their homes
Carbon Footprint Education
Our carbon footprints are ever increasing, there are simple ways of reducing our carbon footprint in our daily lives, we will help educate you on how this is possible
Smarter Energy Consumption
Changed habits in our daily lives to help reduce power, higher energy rating housing designs, solar with battery storage for greater benefit are all simple things we can do to reduce our carbon footprint that we need to make part of our daily lives.